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Presentation Skills Workshop - Studio Recordings and Voice Overs

Presentation Skills Workshop - Studio Recordings and Voice Overs In-Person

Not all presentations are live! And it is becoming increasingly popular to pre-record your presentation. So, what are recording options? Do you do a video recording in a studio? How about a recorded voice over your presentaiton slides? This session will review the various options you have for presentation pre-recording, best practices, tools, and will introduce you to Countway's Audiovisual Recording Studio!

This workshop is for current students, postdocs, and research fellows who would like to improve their oral presentation & communication skills.

Preparation is key, but practice is absolutely essential in helping you to deliver an impactful, confident, and engaging presentation. Non-native speakers of English are especially encouraged to attend.

This class will review some of the important techniques that will help you prepare for, and execute, a public speech for any occassion.

No two workshops are ever the same! 

Thursday, March 6, 2025
5:30pm - 7:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Countway L2: Room 025
Campus Location:
Harvard Longwood Campus

Registration is required. There are 40 seats available.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Scott Lapinski
Scott Lapinski

I am available for individual consultations with the Harvard community. Please consult my calendar via the link below, and reserve a time which is most convenient for you.

Scott's Consultation Appointment Schedule



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